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Red Wine and Alcoholic Beverages: Evolution of Our Knowledge Focusing on All-Cause Morbidity and Mortality

Miodrag Ostojic1,2,3,4,5,6, Tamara Kovacevic-Preradovic3,4, Bojan Stanetic3,4, Dusko Vulic3,6, Vlado Djajic3,7, Milovan Bojic1,3

Cite this article: Ostojic M, Kovacevic-Preradovic T, Stanetic B, Vulic D, Djajic V, Bojic M. Red Wine and Alcoholic Beverages: Evolution of Our Knowledge Focusing on All-Cause Morbidity and Mortality. Sar Med J. 2024; 1(2): Online ahead of print. 10.70119/0018-24

Pages: 105-109 / Published online: 18 December 2024

Original submission: 23 October 2024; Revised submission: 27 October 2024; Accepted: 15 November 2024


Medical professionals have a responsibility to inform the public about contemporary research on alcohol consumption. Earlier health recommendations focused primarily on the link between alcohol and cardiovascular diseases. Over time, these guidelines have expanded to consider the broader impact of alcohol on all-cause morbidity and mortality. Unlike the tobacco industry, which remains profi table but faces strict regulations on marketing and lobbying, the alcohol industry benefi ts from fewer regulations. This allows alcohol manufacturers to freely promote
their products and infl uence both federal and state policies. Clear emphasis on the importance of ceasing alcohol consumption is crucial, particularly in primary and secondary prevention eff orts.

Keywords: cardiovascular diseases, alcoholics, prevention.

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