Sarajevo Medical Journal (SaMJ) has been a peer-reviewed scientific journal with open access, published by the Medical Association of the Sarajevo Canton since the year 2024.
The journal is published biannually and covers topics in clinical medicine, as well as public health issues related to clinical practice. Our evaluation criteria focus on scientific validity, robust methodology, and stringent ethical standards rather than perceived significance.
Journal operates under the Diamond Open Access model, meaning there are no author processing fees, and accessing published papers is free of charge. All content is accessible without cost to users or their institutions. Users have the freedom to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles for any lawful purpose without seeking prior permission from the publisher or author, in accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative.
The journal accepts various types of articles, including primary research, systematic reviews, qualitative research, protocols (including Lab Protocols), and case reports.
The journal also has a section called “Images in Medicine,” where clinicians can present what they found interesting to showcase to the general public. Additionally, it features Letters to the Editor expressing opinions on previously published articles. Members of the Editorial Board also contribute Editorials covering current topics that may be of interest to readers.
Furthermore, the journal welcomes young researchers and PhD students, encouraging their active participation in contributing to its development. The journal will contain a section called “PhD student corner”, where there will be space for PhD students to publish their projects and parts of their PhD theses.
As the Editorial Board, we aspire to support them in reaching their scientific potential to the fullest extent.
The journal’s primary objective is to foster scientific research in Bosnia and Herzegovina, showcase the most significant scientific accomplishments within the country, and promote the advancement of scientific collaborations with both the regional and European contexts.